peer mentors and RAs in front of Smith Hall


    Congratulations on your achievement—You are part of an incoming class full of driven, intelligent, socially engaged students whom we are excited to have join the Washington 大学社区. 

    At Washington, our focus is on your success. From the moment you step on campus, the 九州娱乐官网 experience is designed to prepare you to thrive.

    你的 Washington career starts with the 探索! orientation program that lets you connect with classmates and get an understanding of how things work. 一年级的 Seminar (FYS) introduces you to academic life at the College and gives you the skills you need to succeed at Washington. More information about these and other important actions to take are organized in the menu for this section.

    In addition to specific programming, you also have expert guides. 你的 一年级的顾问, 同伴导师, 居民助理 can’t wait to meet you and help you get started.

    Welcome to your first year at 九州娱乐官网—We are thrilled you are here!


    All staff and faculty at 九州娱乐官网 are committed to supporting all of our students throughout their College career, but these six staff members may be particularly helpful to you as you settle in.

    Danielle Archambault at her desk

    丹尼尔·L. Archambault
    Director, Office of Academic Skills

    给新生的第一条建议: Get involved in campus life early, don't hesitate to ask for help.

    校园里最喜欢的地方: Inside: Miller 图书馆 Outside: Campus Green

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: I knew 九州娱乐官网 was home during my on-campus interview. 我遇到的每个人 that day was welcoming and respectful.


    指导学院助理院长 & 学术宣传

    给新生的第一条建议: Talk to everyone- you never know who will have advice or when you might be in a situation when you'll benefit from advice. That's the beauty of college, you're learning so many new things and so many people are excited to help you learn. 那将是你的 fellow first years, your peer mentors, other students, faculty, staff, pretty much 校园里有人吗?!

    校园里最喜欢的地方: 我爱图书馆. I worked on the 2nd floor for many years  but each floor has a different vibe and even different corners of different floors have a different feel so there is something there for everyone.

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: At least once a week I'm reminded why WAC is my home and has been for so long. 每一个 time a staff or faculty brings introduces me to a student and I can tell they're just as excited for me to meet that student as they are for the student to meet me- I know what a wonderful community we have and I'm reminded why I love it here.


    Assistant Dean for Student Engagement and Success

    给新生的第一条建议: Meaningful friendships take time. Be patient with yourself and your peers as you 扩大你的社交网络.

    校园里最喜欢的地方: 海滨.

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: Student-centered, collaborative leadership is my passion. 我在这里感到很自在 Washington when the student-centered support model we created in Peer Mentor training was adopted by the Retention Working Group for the annual retention report.


    Director of Student Engagement

    给新生的第一条建议: Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you while you're here. 你永远不会 know where those experiences will take you or how they might change your life!

    校园里最喜欢的地方: 这很难! Definitely the Miller 图书馆 Terrace OR to porch of Semans-Griswold 切斯特河畔的大厅!

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: This is something I've experienced many times both as a student and as a staff member. The first time was my visit for admitted students day. 美丽的春天 with all the trees in bloom on campus, mixed with the incredibly welcoming faculty and staff who treated me and my twin brother like we were already a part of the Washington College family drew us in and we've never looked back. Now, as a staff member, feeling that same sense of kindness and welcome from my peers and other administrators reminds me all the time why this is such a magical place.


    Associate Director for Career Development

    给新生的第一条建议: Ask questions early, reach out ahead of time if you're not able to do something. That shows responsibility and maturity. 人 are understanding and are typically 愿意帮忙.

    校园里最喜欢的地方: 绿色的. 它美丽而宁静.

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: When I met the career center team and student workers. They were warm and welcoming.


    Director of Residential Life

    给新生的第一条建议: 尽早并经常寻求帮助. Just because you tried one approach to your academic success doesn't mean that is the only option.  你的 faculty are really invested in 你在这里很成功.

    校园里最喜欢的地方: 餐厅. I love getting to see so many friends, students, staff and faculty 都是同时发生的.

    When You Knew 九州娱乐官网 Was Home: It was the inauguration of Sheila Bair.  The college had a selected its first female president and it was also friends and family weekend.  The feeling on campus was pure joy and happiness and I was excited to be a part of it.